Monumental Skylights   |   Standard Skylights   |   Roof Scuttles/Hatches/Smoke Vents

The Following skylight options are limited, but should offer the reader some insight in the broad range of products
offered by Naturalite and the Vista Wall Group.  If you would like to receive additional information on these or on
items not represented in this sampling, please email Brian J. Carrillo at neworldproductinfo@neworldproducts

You may also select the appropriate links to be connected with the Naturalite/Vista Wall website.


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Custom Skylights

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Heat Smoke Vents


Standard Skylights

Naturalite Custom Skylights

Type Drawing #
Single Slope
2.01 - 2.03
2.05 - 2.07
Ridge Walkway
2.08 - 2.10
2.11 - 2.13
2.14 - 2.15
Polygon / Dome
2.16 - 2.18
Segmented Vault
2.19 - 2.21
BMS 6000 Curved Vault
2.22 - 2.25A
Two-Sided Glazing Details
Four-Sided Glazing Details
2.27 - 2.27A

Contact us for additional details shown below:

Rafter And Purlin Profiles
Sill Profiles 2.29
BMS 6800 Arched Solarium 2.30 - 2.34
BMS 6800 Walkway 2.35 - 2.39
Curved Rafter & Purlin Profiles 2.39A
BMS 6800 Purlin / Rafter Intersection 2.39B
Glasslite (Skin System) 2.40 - 2.43
Rafter Expansion Joint Detail 2.44
Valley Rafter Detail 2.44
Operable Vent Details 2.45